
{31 Days} Finding out WHO Jesus is

31 Days series Finding out Who Jesus is

Welcome to this writing 31 days series.  After much prayer I have decided to write for 31 days and to dive deep into just who Jesus is.  Each day I will list a new characteristic, and my feelings about it.  I will have verses, and printable images for each day.

When I think of Jesus, and I want to finish the sentence Jesus is,  I think of so many attributes.  Like humble, powerful, miracles, risen, compassionate, leader, passionate, kind, gentle, human, love, joy, peace, savior, redeemer, son of God… the list goes on and on.  I am so excited to dig deeper, and to focus daily on what Jesus is to me.  I hope you will comment and let me know what He is to you.

I can’t wait to get to know more of Jesus and more of you!


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